Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Mom Day and Stuff.

So this week was pretty cool and stuff because I got to talk to some of you people over skype and that was real exciting. Yikes. Sometimes I forget that people even exist-- and by people, I mean people other than the Koreans and missionaries that I am constantly surrounded by. But you DO exist and skyping was seriously SO good! I'm still really excited about it. 

Anyways, there are a couple fun things that happened this week that I just remembered that I wanted to talk about...

First of all the fact that the movie Napoleon Dynamite has done missionary work. This week in one of our appointments with our investigator we asked her about how she initially heard about our church and she replied that she really likes Napoleon Dynamite and so when she googled the movie she found out that the actress was Mormon... so she asked one of her friends (from America) about the Mormons and he (not a member) just told her that we are "insanely nice people" and... the rest goes from there. She's meeting with us regularly and she has so much faith! So we'll see what happens with her. But I just thought it was awesome that she found the church through Napoleon Dynamite.... 

Second of all: we made a goal to say hello to every single person we pass on the street. It's such a blast because we end up in a lot of really awkward situations but at the same time, we've had a lot of really awesome conversations out of it. 

Next: I met my mission grandmother! (aka Sister Sloan's trainer). She's in the stake that I am currently serving in and she was at the stake conference so I got to say hello to her and it made me so happy.

Our investigator from my last area is getting baptized not this next Saturday, but the following Saturday and I couldn't be more excited! Sister Sloan called me yesterday to tell me that her father even came with her to church! How amazing is that? There are so many miracles that we get to see every single day that I just don't even know where to start with most of them.

Anyways-- I love you all so much and I'm grateful for this opportunity to serve. In D&C 1:23 it talks about how God's gospel will be declared by the weak and I couldn't agree more. I've never felt more incapable in my entire life... yet I've never felt more capable. Our weaknesses help us to remember how much we need the Lord; I'm grateful to be made up of weaknesses. Being a missionary is the coolest. I really can't even begin to explain it. 

I love being here.
I love being a missionary. 

All my love from Korea,

Your little missionary,

Sister CaLea Bagley

p.s. my new FAVORITE chapter is 3 Nephi 22. It's the best. Read it this week.

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